Upcoming Events
& Performances

Chu Hisa Na- Recital
Chu Hisa Na- Debut Recital for Mina Tamashiro sensei and Eric Kobayashi Sensei.
Recital will be held at the Hawaii Okinawa Center on May 4, 2025.

HUOA 2025 Installation
Hawaii United Okinawa Association- Uchinachu of the Year and Installation held at the Hawaii Okianwa Center.

Cultural Fusion 2024
Cultural Fusion is Senjukai Hawaii’s annual fundraiser. Funds raised at this event help to hold community performances, purchase costumes and supplies, and provide scholarships to dancers to further their training under grand masters of dance in Okinawa. Please support this event to help us in our mission to share our Okinawan culture and bring joy to our community one dance at a time.

42nd Okinawa Festival
Started in 1982 by the Hawaii United Okinawa Association, the Okinawan Festival celebrates all things Okinawan and brings together Okinawans and Okinawans-at-heart. Our theme of "Sharing Uchinanchu Aloha" is embedded in everything we do. Join us for the ono food, beautiful performances, educational cultural exhibits and much more. Senjukai Hawaii will be performing on Sunday, Sept. 1st at 10:55a.m. Hope to see you there. www.okinawanfestival.com