
There are three levels of Certification classes.

1st Level - 新人賞= Shinjin Sho – Newcomer’s Award

The class focuses on one of the classical women’s dance called Kashikake and one male dance called Nubui Kuduchi.

The music, the rhythm, the meaning of the dance will be taught. Emphasize on developing the fundamental dance movements, posture, grace, sharpness and expression. It is essential to be aware of the details of each movement, expression and perfecting the choreography.

Students will work on expressing emotions through dance and movement for their class and especially for recital performances. Core work and stretching will be a focus.

2nd Level - 優秀賞= Yuu Shuu Sho - Award of Excellence or Superiority

The class focuses on one of the classical women’s dance called Nufwabushi and two male dance numbers called Kudai Kuduchi and Mee nu Hama.

More complex dance numbers. Nufwabushi is 20 minutes long and require intense concentration and focus.

3. 最高賞= Saiko Sho - Highest Award

The class focuses on two classical women’s dance numbers called Shudun and Yanaji, two modern dance numbers, Hamachi Dori and Kanayo, and lastly, one male dance number called Takadera Manzai.

The Highest award has the most difficult dance movements and more dance numbers. The facial expression, the grace, the poise and techniques are emphasized.

For Parents: The certification training and process involves a large commitment from both the dancer and parents. Regular attendance at training sessions is vital to improve and maintain the level of the skills.

The dance art is continuous and never ending training. It takes many years of dedication and hard work to complete the certification process however, it is the most satisfying moment when you challenge yourself 110% to the art and earn the certificate.

After attaining all the levels of certification, the next step is attaining a teachers’ certificate.